Trees Are Struggling in 2023 | Why many Birch & Evergreens are dying in Nebraska. 

Have you noticed any of the following signs?

  • Delayed or spotty leafing. 

  • Delayed or spotty bud break. 

  • Premature death after leaf-out/budding

  • Yellow colored foliage

  • Curling leaf tips

This spring, our arborists received an uptick of requests from homeowners concerned about delayed or spotty leafing & bud break. Still, other homeowners have reported initial leaf-out & bud break followed by the unfortunate death of the tree. While Birch trees and evergreens seem to be most affected, these effects are widespread amongst all local species. Why? In 2023, many trees in Omaha are stressed or dying due to a severe two-year drought. 

Evergreens were the canary in the coal mine, as many displayed yellowing needles last fall. Evergreens keep their foliage through the winter and maintain higher water requirements than deciduous trees to support photosynthesis and water movement throughout these months. After yet another dry winter, evergreens are struggling. As temperatures rise, stress increases, and we can expect to see many evergreens take their last gasp. 

Birch trees, on the other hand, are very sensitive trees. They don't cope with stress well, leading them to send out stress signals with the slightest changes in moisture content. Suppose other factors, such as mineral deficiencies, increased winds, etc., are also at play. The effects compound exponentially in that case, and birch trees can go downhill quickly. 

Why did other deciduous tree types experience delayed/spotty bud & leaf break? Furthermore, what's up with the trees that keeled over right after their spring cycle? It likely has to do with the energy expenditure required for these activities. Your tree sets its buds during the previous growing season. Your trees were prepared for spring, but completing the action in a drought is like asking you to run a marathon after being dehydrated for days. Some trees puttered along, barely making it to the finish line, and other trees pushed forward with one last, final burst before the stress overtook them. Another dry spring provided limited support in either situation.

Several homeowners wondered why one tree in their yard, which is the same species as another tree in their yard, reacted differently, despite being in roughly the same conditions. While each spot in your yard can have slight variations in soil composition & moisture, which make a difference, it is essential to remember that each tree is a unique organism. Just like our bodies respond differently to circumstances, diseases, and treatments, so do the systems of each tree. We can only do our best to provide them with as close to ideal conditions as possible, monitor them, and react accordingly. The basics of Tree 101 start with watering. 

This drought demands our attention. Unless you have been augmenting your tree with water or live in an area with increased moisture, your trees may experience various signs of stress, if not premature death. Proper watering techniques can help ensure that your trees stay healthy and robust throughout the summer months and for years to come. 

Read Watering 101 to learn more about the ins and out of watering!

The chronic subsurface dryness is causing issues for our Omaha trees, so even if you can't commit to following the recommended watering schedule, some is better than none! 

Are Your Trees Struggling? We can help!

We are a full service tree care company in Omaha with several licensed arborists on staff. We offer guidance through our free consultations. We aim to support homeowners and give them the tools necessary to make informed & empowered decisions regarding the health and safety of their trees. If you have a question or would like a quote, fill out the form below and our staff will be in touch!

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