JULY Tree Topics | Storm Damage, Sappy Trees, Summer Watering & more!

In July, we find ourselves in the throes of storm season and one of the hottest months in Zone 5! The extreme weather conditions in Omaha should have homeowners at attention. It is essential to be aware and informed about two topics in particular - storm damage and tree watering best practices. This month, we will keep our July tree tips short and sweet so that you can focus on these two critical topics. We'll explore each topic in more detail and provide practical advice for caring for your trees in July.

Storm Damage

During July, the weather becomes volatile, with the potential for high winds and unexpected heavy rains. As we navigate these conditions, it's critical to be aware of the potential damage trees can sustain during storms and to take steps to mitigate it.

Dead wood can become saturated with rain & heavy, leading to a high-risk situation for family, guests & assets. We should pay special attention to limbs overhanging vulnerable & high-traffic areas, such as over a street, bedroom, or playground. Most homeowners acknowledge this and manage the risk through dead-wooding and proactive trimming. There is, however, another sleeping giant which homeowners need to be aware of.

When storms come, even perfectly healthy live branches can break, fall, or become susceptible to structural cracking, which may lead to failure over time. Inspect trees for damage after every storm event. When you observe fallen branches in your neighborhood or as you drive around Omaha, that is an additional cue to walk around your yard and look closer at your trees. Listen for creaking, and inspect for apparent damage. If the canopy has an unusually dense area, this may indicate hidden damage (canopy collapse).

Rather than put yourself in a potentially precarious situation, do not hesitate to call an arborist to inspect safely. While storm season can be a busy time for arborists, we care about our community and do what we can to ensure your and your family's well-being.

Watering Trees in Summer

If you are sweating, so are your trees! Rising temperatures in July make water augmentation increasingly important. As trees use and lose water at an increased rate, it becomes critical to replace moisture within the drip line (aka anywhere there are branches) to ensure their continued success. Read Watering 101 to learn how to water trees in Nebraska properly. Also, find out why water augmentation is more crucial than ever in 2023 throughout Omaha!

Sappy Trees in Omaha

June of 2023 brought increased reports of trees producing an unusual sticky substance. Many homeowners noted a sap, which their trees had never before produced, was now raining down on their cars & decks. In many cases, the cause is Aphids. Find out why aphid populations are booming this year, and learn what to do if your tree is experiencing an infestation.

Don't Forget!

If you missed our previous article, here are the action items from June that remain relevant. As the weather rapidly changes, pay attention to forecasts to avoid adding stressors for already taxed trees.

MULCHING - Mulching is always a good idea! Especially in July, as hot weather dries out soil and stresses trees, mulch will further your watering efforts. Aim for 2-4 inches of mulch, extending as wide as the canopy, if possible, and not touching the base of the tree.

BAG WORMS - Continue to find, pluck, and destroy their bags.

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For more monthly tree care tips, follow us on social media or subscribe to our website. Every month we give homeowners actionable items to help them stay current with the needs of their trees. We aim to arm Nebraskans with the knowledge necessary to be good stewards of their trees. If you have specific inquiries or would benefit from a free 30-min consultation with one of our certified arborists, get in touch!

Questions? Ask An Omaha Arborist.

We are here to answer questions! Our Arborists are happy to help the Omaha community learn more about their trees and environment. If you have an inquiry, use the form below to get in touch with us, or request a free 30-min in-person consultation!

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