Best Time for Fungicides in Omaha | Signs of Cedar Apple Rust

Cedar Apple Rust can appear on a number of species. If you notice orange/brown legions, consider applying fungicides in Omaha around April.

In Nebraska, April is the time to apply fungicides for cedar apple rust. This applies to certain varieties of apple, crabapple, pear, hawthorn, serviceberry. If you noticed premature leaf drop in late summer, or spots of orange or brown lesions in 2022, you will want to be proactive in the treatment of this disease.

For best coverage, several applications will be necessary, with 7-10 day intervals in between treatments. This should be completed during the period just before blossoms open. Label directions should always be carefully followed. However, we are a proponent of planting disease resistant varieties for the most effective & environmentally friendly-control!

If you would like to learn more about the cycle of this disease and how it affects specific hosts, check out this resource.