NOVEMBER Tree Care | Firewood storage, winter watering techniques & more!

November is an important month for tree care, as it marks the transition from fall to winter. As the leaves begin to fall and temperatures drop, it becomes crucial to prepare our trees for the harsh conditions ahead.

Welcome to Nebraska in November, where the leaves have fallen and the trees are preparing for their dormant season. While it may seem like the time for tree care has passed, November is an important month for tree care, as it marks the transition from fall to winter. As temperatures drop, there are important steps that can be taken to ensure health and vitality and prepare our trees for the harsh conditions ahead.

Tips for Storing Firewood

With temperatures dropping, it's tempting to want to cozy up next to a roaring fire. However, if you’re bringing firewood inside, bugs that have been lying dormant may begin to stir! It's important to store it properly to reduce insect emergence indoors. Keep it off the ground outside of the house or in an unheated area. If storing firewood outside, cover the platform with a tarp to protect it from the elements.

Know your source. Make sure the firewood you purchase is from a sustainable source and has been properly seasoned. Burning unseasoned wood can lead to excess smoke, creosote buildup, and even chimney fires. 

Stay cozy, comfy and safe!

Proper Winter Watering

Watering trees in winter is an important aspect of their care. Although it may seem counterintuitive, trees can actually become dehydrated during the colder months. This is because the frozen ground can make it difficult for them to absorb moisture from the soil. Therefore, it is important to water trees regularly during the winter, especially if there has been little precipitation. Watering trees in winter can be a crucial task for their survival, but is complicated by dropping temperatures. Learn how to properly water trees in winter, and throughout the remainder of the year in Watering 101. 

Should I Prune My Trees?

During the winter, we typically avoid trimming healthy tissue on most trees. This is because extreme winter conditions can cause wind and winter burn. Open wounds are vulnerable points which may have difficulty healing when exposed to extreme temperatures and wind. However, there are exceptions. There are some species that are particularly susceptible to devastation from diseases and pests during the on-season. For instance, Elm trees are at-risk for the fatal Dutch Elm Disease, so we aim to trim them during the dormant season. If the trees are dormant, so are the bugs! Learn more about trimming trees in winter. If you have any questions about the best time to trim your trees, feel free to reach out to our licensed Omaha Arborists.

Planning for Winter Tree Damage

Even healthy, uncut trees can sustain winter damage. Winter can bring about issues such as frost cracks and snow load, so it is vital to inspect and address any structural weaknesses ASAP. Trees growing in open areas without a windbreak are particularly vulnerable to extreme weather. Young trees with thin bark are also in a higher risk category. Although we are currently experiencing milder winters, homeowners should still plan for the future and consider (re)planting trees in areas with natural or man-made windbreaks, such as near hills or buildings. If you already have established trees, planting additional trees in a stand around them can help lessen the burden and impact on any one tree.

Dead Wood Removal

Removing dead tissue DOES NOT make a tree more vulnerable to winter damage. It's similar to cutting your hair or filing excess calluses. Whether we recommend removing dead wood during winter is based on the tree and its foliage. 

While it may be tempting to prune those dead branches from your deciduous trees during the dormant season, it's best to hold off until the buds start to grow. Healthy limbs may appear similar to dead ones after leaf fall, so if you want to thoroughly remove deadwood without taking too much from the tree's canopy, it's best to wait until foliage emerges as a guide. Evergreens can be pruned over winter since they keep their foliage and we can remove dead wood with accuracy. 

Schedule Tree Removal Now

When it comes to tree removal in Omaha, you have the flexibility to get it done at any time of the year. But did you know that winter tree removal comes with certain benefits? Many tree services have greater availability during the off-season. Plus, if you have a tree in a sensitive area like a garden, now is a great time to access it while the soil is frozen and other plants are in a dormant stage. So, let's weigh the pros and cons of winter tree removal together. Contact a reliable tree service provider in Omaha to learn more and make an informed decision. 

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