Omaha Christmas Trees | Tips & Sourcing

The holiday season is upon us and many of us are starting to think about decorating our homes with Christmas trees. However, have you ever stopped to consider the environmental impact of your tree choice? The good news is that there are sustainable options available that can help reduce your carbon footprint.

Source from local nurseries & tree farms, as opposed to big box stores. Local sourcing is better for the environment and your community. We recommend supporting small businesses, such as Dee-sign Landscaping, Heritage Nursery, Frosty Pines & Arbor Hills.

One great option is to opt for a live Christmas tree that can be planted in your yard after the holidays are over. This not only reduces waste but also helps to increase the number of trees in your local area.

If a live or sustainably grown tree is not an option for you, consider purchasing an artificial tree that is made from eco-friendly materials. Look for trees that are made from recycled materials or those that are free from PVC and other harmful chemicals.

Once the holidays are over, make sure to dispose of your tree in a responsible manner. Many cities offer tree recycling programs that turn trees into mulch or compost. This not only reduces waste but also provides a valuable resource for local gardens and landscaping.

In conclusion, there are many sustainable options available when it comes to Christmas trees. By choosing a live or sustainably grown tree, or opting for an eco-friendly artificial tree, you can help reduce your carbon footprint and make a positive impact on the environment.

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